• Question: Have you got a science hero or heroine?

    Asked by 298sgde25 to Chris, Hayley, Jimi, Maddison, Omur on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Hayley Moulding

      Hayley Moulding answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      I do indeed. My science heroine is Rosalind Franklin. She was one phenomenal woman who was never recognised for what she contributed to the discovery of DNA structure. I admire her very much!

    • Photo: Maddison Coke

      Maddison Coke answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      My heroine is Marie Curie. She wouldn’t let anything stand in her way and in the end made great advances in radioactivity. Her and her husband were a great science team. I think its good to have heros and heroines but also good to aim to be your own person. Sometimes people aim to be too much like someone else, but you should just be the best you can be.

    • Photo: Jimi Wills

      Jimi Wills answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      It’s so difficult to choose!

      I gave my top ten in another answer (Who is your favourite scientict not including you)

      so here’s a random one from my top ten (I used a spreadsheet to choose one randomly)

      Jerry Lawson. Jerry was pretty much single-handledly responsible for the games-console as we know it. He invented the Fairchild Channel F in 1976 and it was the first games console:

      1) to use a microprocessor
      2) to use programmable catridges
      3) to be powerful enough to run AI (artificial intelligence) so that you could play against the computer

      The first generation of consoles that came before this either only played a single game, or the cartridge contained the electronics or switches require to run a different game. The Channel F’s cartridge used memory to store the instructions for the game, that would then be run on the microprocessor. It was the first console to really be a computer. It’s what made games consoles what they are today, and he did this! He was a real pioneer.

    • Photo: Omur Tastan

      Omur Tastan answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Yes, I have several. There are so many good scientists out there, each time I hear one’s story, they become a hero or heroine of mine 🙂

      One of them is Anne McLaren, she was a developmental biologist just like me!
      She did some fascinating work that lead to modern in vitro fertilisation techniques (IVF). So many parents that couldn’t have babies naturally, now can have babies, thanks to her. 🙂 go babies!

    • Photo: Chris Conselice

      Chris Conselice answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      I have many!

      Einstein because he was able to be so creative and contribute to so many areas of science. Darwin because he was so bold in his thinking and not afraid to propose new and controversial things. Same with Gallileo with his telescope.

      These are all very famous however. Some that maybe are not so famous include a man named George Hale who built the largest telescope in the world 4 times — finding the money and organising this was very hard.
