• Question: If you have not had your breakfast will this affect your brain

    Asked by Galilee to Jimi, Hayley on 15 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by Lily.
    • Photo: Jimi Wills

      Jimi Wills answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      Yes. After you’ve eaten your tummy breaks down your food into nutrients the body can use. This includes for your brain. If you don’t eat, then your body will try to find the nutrients from inside your body, by breaking down fat or muscle.

      But also, just the act of eating has an effect on your brain, even though the nutrients aren’t on their way around your bloodstream yet, your brain and boby know that they soon will be, and will start functioning better.

      Sugary breakfast is not so good though, because all the energy comes at once. Something like porridge is much better. Too much sugary food can put you at risk of developing diabetes. And it’s bad for your teeth.

    • Photo: Hayley Moulding

      Hayley Moulding answered on 18 Mar 2016:

      Yes it might do indeed. Your brain needs food too to be able to work well. Some people though don’t like eating breakfast which is okay and some people can operate fine and their brain work find without breakfast. If we eat breakfast though, depending on what we eat, it will be able to fuel our brains and keep us concentrating for longer. If there is lots and lots of sugar though we will get a big rush of energy (sugar rush!) and then we will feel tired and hungry at about 11am!!
