• Question: What is Arthur Itis?

    Asked by Sammy to Chris, Hayley, Jimi on 17 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Hayley Moulding

      Hayley Moulding answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      Arthritis is a type of disease where joints swell up and it hurts a lot. About 10 million people in the UK have arthritis. There are different types of arthritis too.

    • Photo: Jimi Wills

      Jimi Wills answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      There are two main types of arthritis

      (1) Inflammatory arthritis – the immune system goes a bit wrong and the joints get damaged

      (2) Osteoarthritis – when the bone is worn down quicker than it is replaced and the joints are eroded

      there are other types too.

      Both are really painful, but there is ongoing research into how to prevent them.
