• Question: Why is it contagious if we cogh with our covering our mouth

    Asked by ps_no1 to Hayley, Jimi on 18 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Jimi Wills

      Jimi Wills answered on 18 Mar 2016:

      When you cough, thousands of droplets are fly out of the mouth at up to 50 miles per hour. These droplets contain bacteria and viruses from your throat. Somebody else can breathe that in, and then the bacteria and viruses you had are now in them.

    • Photo: Hayley Moulding

      Hayley Moulding answered on 18 Mar 2016:

      Good question. When we cough sometimes little droplets from inside our mouths will come out and enter into the air! Other people are breathing around us and this could mean these little droplets go into their mouths or onto them! It is okay, we all do it! We can’t help it! It just means that if we are ill, these little droplets could contain bits of bacteria or virus which could make other people ill too!
